On 21st February 2009, members of ICT Seagulls Wings organized an Exhibition and Sale of handicraft made by visually challenged girls of Atma Jyoti School for Visually Challenged Girls. 6 visually challenged girls came with the handicrafts they had made themselves which included beautifully woven doormats, fashionable handbags for ladies, lovely friendship bands and such artistically crafted items.
Being the day of parent-teacher meet, many parents were present that day and visited the exhibition stall, everyone who visited the stall couldn’t resist buying the lovely merchandize and eventually the demand outweighed supply and many buyers were disappointed as they had to return empty handed.
The aim of the exhibition and sale was to create awareness among the general public about the talents and capabilities the visually challenged persons have. The aim was achieved as all the buyers were extremely pleased with the quality of the merchandize they had purchased. The exhibition became a cause for many parents to learn about the Atma Jyoti School and many showed interest in doing some service to these differently gifted.
The visually challenged girls and our students forged bonds of friendship, which will definitely be cause of progress for both the seeing and the differently gifted.
1. Many parents visited the exhibition and came to know about the Atma Jyoti Hostel and its activities.
2. People in general realized that being visually challenged doesn’t mean you can’t do anything.
3. We made very good friends.
What we learnt:
1. Beauty is not limited by vision of our two eyes. If we love beauty, we can create beautiful things even if we can’t see.
2. Dis-ability is a misnomer. Everyone has some special ability. We need to discover that special something in everyone.