Our friends from “Atma Jyoti” study in regular school near their hostel (St. Paul School, Gwalior) and their school does not allow to give exams in Braille, they need a writer, who assists them by first reading aloud the questions and then writing the answers as they tell them.
We put everything else on hold and got in action to get writers for our friends. We appealed our classmates to volunteer to write the exams for visually challenged girls and we were overwhelmed by the response we got. We got more volunteers than we needed. Our school management helped us by arranging to take the writers to the exam center and then bring them back home in school van.
When our students went to write exams, they were surprised to how these visually challenged girls were doing things independently and knew answers to most of the questions in the exam. The students who performed this service are very happy and all of them say that they realized that the visually challenged people have no sight, but they definitely have a vision and they also have special talents, which need to be realized, so that they themselves and society may benefit from it.
Outcome: 1. The visually challenged girls could finish their exam without any trouble and got very good grades.
2. We got chance to do some good work.
What we learned: 1. There is lot of goodness in everyone, we just need to appeal to the good in person and we can see the goodness translate into constructive act of service.
2. Our visually challenged friends were well prepared to give their exams, this showed their eagerness to learn and become independent member of society, who can contribute positively to society.
3. We can do wonderful things together with good intention and proper planning.