- Service project at local orphanage to improve their living condition.
- Creating awareness about Child labor.
- Creating awareness about female feticide and infanticide.
- Service Project with Atma-Jyoti – Home for Blind Girls.
- Donate cloths and books to Amar Jyoti - school for differently gifted students.
- Creating awareness about Global warming.
- Campaign to save water.
- Adapting a school in poor neighborhood to improve their classrooms.
- Service project with “Project Roshni – for people with cerebral palsy”
- Campaign for safe roads.
We wanted to involve differently gifted students of our own age in this project, so we shortlisted:
- Atma Jyoti – home for blind girls
- Amar Jyoti – school for differently gifted students
- Project Roshni – center for people with cerebral palsy.
We then visited all these three places and did some activities with them, as you can see the photos above to find out which place will be our final choice. This is when we experienced that each individual has special gifts, we need to find that something special in eavery one.
After visiting all three places, it was difficult to choose one, but the girls at Atma Jyoti made very good impression on us with their zeal to learn new things and eagerness to improve their skills. So we chose Atma Jyoti unanimously.We involved our new friends at Atma Jyoti in consultation to see what is the best thing we can do together to help them realize their own potential. Most of them think that studying is very important to realize their own talent and live a respectful life. Through education we can sharpen our inherent capacities and realize our true potential. We also realized that they face few problems in studies, which we don’t face because we can see. We want our improve the quality of their studies, so we took up that as our main problem in the project.“PROBLEMS FACED BY VISUALLY CHALLENGED IN STUDYING!”