Find something special in someone each day!
This way we'll include everyone in our vision and make this world a better place than it is now...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Plan, Do, Check & Act, You'll have blessings of Dr. Demming and you'll succeed...
Deming wheel, the ride to success for any project using QC tools. We used Deming wheel for the whole project life-cycle. First Planning, then Doing, then Checking and then Acting and continue doing so till you succeed.
ICT Seagulls project is started by Dr. Hayal Koksal. We thank her for starting this noble initiative. This project uses Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at every step to complete the project at hand. We chose our project: helping discover abilities in visually challenged girls at “Atma Jyoti – Home for Blind Girls”. Our motto is “find something special in someone each day!” See the slide show presentation of our project at