Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Pizza treat for the Champions of ICT Seagulls 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Congratulations Team!
I congratulate each and every team member, our Directors Mr. & Mrs. Olyai, Our Principal Dr. Mrs. Alka Sharma.
I thank Dr. Hayal Koksal for starting the ICT Seagulls Project, the honorable judges for awarding us this prestigious award, our Directors, our Principal, our students for their zeal & energy, the management of Atma Jyoti - Home for Blind Girls, especially the visually challenged girls from Atma Jyoti for showing us that vision is much more important than just plain sight.
It has been honor working with this team. The award is won, but the work still goes on! We are still finding something special in someone each day! I invite all the visitors to this blog to join us in this noble initiative!
Love & luck
Friday, June 5, 2009
Celebrating flight of ICT Seagulls
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Our Case Study Presentation is now online...
Thank you very much for visiting our blog and leaving such encouraging comments.
Please see our slide show presentation at: http://www.slideshare.net/discoverabilities/ict-seagulls
Thank you again
Mansi & Aditi
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Plan, Do, Check & Act, You'll have blessings of Dr. Demming and you'll succeed...
Choosing a problem, democratic way!
- Service project at local orphanage to improve their living condition.
- Creating awareness about Child labor.
- Creating awareness about female feticide and infanticide.
- Service Project with Atma-Jyoti – Home for Blind Girls.
- Donate cloths and books to Amar Jyoti - school for differently gifted students.
- Creating awareness about Global warming.
- Campaign to save water.
- Adapting a school in poor neighborhood to improve their classrooms.
- Service project with “Project Roshni – for people with cerebral palsy”
- Campaign for safe roads.
We wanted to involve differently gifted students of our own age in this project, so we shortlisted:
- Atma Jyoti – home for blind girls
- Amar Jyoti – school for differently gifted students
- Project Roshni – center for people with cerebral palsy.
remove 20% main causes and you'll remove 80% problems...
Thank you Mr. Pareto!
putting the survey information in matrix
What we plan is important, what we do is vital...

Some technical information about our project:
When we started the ICT Seagulls project, we were not very sure what we (a group of high school students) can do to help others.
Then we started using some QC tools, and under loving guidance of our facilitators and mentor we realized everyone has lot of potential, if we can use right channel and work together we can do wonders beyond our imagination.First step we visited the “Atma Jyoti- Home for Blind Girls”. We spoke to them and found out about their likes, dislikes and aspirations. Then we did some brainstorming to get all our ideas together. Then we did survey among the visually challenged girls to find out what challenges they face. We spoke to 30 girls and put their feedbacks in a matrix. Then we applied Pareto Analysis to the collected data and found out that if we work on few vital problems, most of their difficulties in studies will be solved.Then we used fishbone diagram to do Why-Why analysis of problems to find out root causes of the problems.We then thought of some strategies and tried them. Suddenly they needed writers for exams, so even it was not priority in our strategies we put everything aside and helped them write exams.Then we finished our exams and started promoting “Donate Vision” campaign to create awareness about eye donation.
Then came summer vacation, but before that we planned to raise funds to donate a Braille printer to our friends at “Atma Jyoti”.
The project is not yet closed, it is ongoing, our next step is getting the Braille printer and make sure that they get all subject notes in Braille. We will also make audio lessons for them, so they can listen to audio tapes at their own leisure. They will get their new books in August, so we will start that in August.
I shall never forget my friend who helped write my exam:
Donate for a good cause, help them realize their vision!
Someone asked Swami Vivekananda once: “Is there anything worse than losing sight?” Swami Vivekananda replied: “Yes! Losing vision...”
Our students have been working with visually challenged girls of “Atma Jyoti – a Home for Blind Girls” and during their interaction we realized though these girls have no sight, they definitely have a vision for future. Each one of them wants to become useful member of society and contribute positively to society. Someone wants to become teacher, someone wants to be musician, and so on. Let us share their vision and help them turn their dreams into reality.
We are collecting funds to buy a Braille printer, which can be connected to computer for their use. The printer will cost approximately Rs. 200,000.00 (Two lakh rupees). To make it easier we are dividing the total sum in 200 units of Rs. 1000.00 (One thousand rupees) each. You may contribute more than one unit or more than one person/s may together contribute one unit. Your donations will be greatly appreciated.Please send your donations to “Little Angels School, Dal Bazaar, Gwalior”.
For more details please conact Mrs. Tina Olyai at +91 751 2324144 or Yogesh at +91 751 2633481
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Singing together
On April 10, 2009 our friends sang with us in the morning assembly program.
They sang a song which touched all our hearts and it really showed that they are not dis-abled, but they are differently abled. All of us were so happy to find that special talent in them.
They are truly amazing singers, as saying goes: Their vocal chords are kissed by the Almighty God!
We are now eagerly looking forward to starting the choir group with them.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Celebrating Success

We went to visit and got a pleasant shock to see that our friends had done better than expected. All of them got good grades and they showed us their result sheets. We then sang songs together and partook of the sweets we had carried together. First time I realized that our success is sweet but celebration of our friends’ success is sweeter.
We are happy that our friends are getting good results and they will they will continue getting good results and go to college and become independent, respectable citizens not depending on others for survival, but helping the society to prosper.
- Tina Khatri
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Anuual Function
On 21st March 2009, when the sun on the equator illumining the whole earth equally and marking the beginning of new cycle of seasons with arrival of spring Atma Jyoti Residential School for visually challenged girls celebrated its Annual Function.
The lawns of the school were filled with the guests who came to witness a lively show put up by the special girls of Atma Jyoti. The girls sang welcome song and then other songs, whirled to the rhythm of popular film songs and even performed a funny skit with all the expressions and movements around the stage.
The program was put up with such fervor that the spectators had to remind themselves that they were watching visually challenged girls dancing so flawlessly and coordinating their steps with other dance partners. The girls even performed a devotional dance with burning lamps in their hands without any troubles. The songs they sang were melodious and full of good messages like “we promise by the morn of friendship to finish the enmity in the world, if you walk with us!”
The program was successful in showcasing the talents in these special girls. They really put up a professional show, it will be a challenge to find choir who can match their notes or a dance-troupe who can match steps with these special girls!
“we can see blooming flowers only in spring, but they carry the spring itself with them where they go!”
Little Angels High School students and teachers have been helping the visually challenged girls organize their Annual Functions from past few years.
We learnt: 1. Our visually challenged friends are wonderful performers.
2. They are disciplined and work together very well.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Joy of Helping
I visited “Atma Jyoti – a home for the blind girls” few times and recently I got a chance to help my friends there to write exams. From the first time I went there, we (the visually challenged girls and my friends from Little Angels High School) became very good friends. Our teachers motivated us a lot to do some good for others and when the visually challenged girls needed help to write exams, I immediately volunteered to do it.
I got chance to write Social Studies exam. I write that exam for my friend Pooja. She is a very polite girl and very friendly at same time she is eager to learn and very intelligent. She was prepared very well for the exam and as soon as I would read the question, she would narrate the answer completely and repeat every time I needed. I am sure that she’ll get very good marks and I will be as happy as her in her success.
-Roma Kukreja
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Writing Exams...
Our friends from “Atma Jyoti” study in regular school near their hostel (St. Paul School, Gwalior) and their school does not allow to give exams in Braille, they need a writer, who assists them by first reading aloud the questions and then writing the answers as they tell them.
We put everything else on hold and got in action to get writers for our friends. We appealed our classmates to volunteer to write the exams for visually challenged girls and we were overwhelmed by the response we got. We got more volunteers than we needed. Our school management helped us by arranging to take the writers to the exam center and then bring them back home in school van.
When our students went to write exams, they were surprised to how these visually challenged girls were doing things independently and knew answers to most of the questions in the exam. The students who performed this service are very happy and all of them say that they realized that the visually challenged people have no sight, but they definitely have a vision and they also have special talents, which need to be realized, so that they themselves and society may benefit from it.
Outcome: 1. The visually challenged girls could finish their exam without any trouble and got very good grades.
2. We got chance to do some good work.
What we learned: 1. There is lot of goodness in everyone, we just need to appeal to the good in person and we can see the goodness translate into constructive act of service.
2. Our visually challenged friends were well prepared to give their exams, this showed their eagerness to learn and become independent member of society, who can contribute positively to society.
3. We can do wonderful things together with good intention and proper planning.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Exhibiting the talents
On 21st February 2009, members of ICT Seagulls Wings organized an Exhibition and Sale of handicraft made by visually challenged girls of Atma Jyoti School for Visually Challenged Girls. 6 visually challenged girls came with the handicrafts they had made themselves which included beautifully woven doormats, fashionable handbags for ladies, lovely friendship bands and such artistically crafted items.
Being the day of parent-teacher meet, many parents were present that day and visited the exhibition stall, everyone who visited the stall couldn’t resist buying the lovely merchandize and eventually the demand outweighed supply and many buyers were disappointed as they had to return empty handed.
The aim of the exhibition and sale was to create awareness among the general public about the talents and capabilities the visually challenged persons have. The aim was achieved as all the buyers were extremely pleased with the quality of the merchandize they had purchased. The exhibition became a cause for many parents to learn about the Atma Jyoti School and many showed interest in doing some service to these differently gifted.
The visually challenged girls and our students forged bonds of friendship, which will definitely be cause of progress for both the seeing and the differently gifted.
1. Many parents visited the exhibition and came to know about the Atma Jyoti Hostel and its activities.
2. People in general realized that being visually challenged doesn’t mean you can’t do anything.
3. We made very good friends.
What we learnt:
1. Beauty is not limited by vision of our two eyes. If we love beauty, we can create beautiful things even if we can’t see.
2. Dis-ability is a misnomer. Everyone has some special ability. We need to discover that special something in everyone.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Why Mr. Ishikawa why?

We used why-shy technique given by Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa to analyze the problems faced by Visually Challenged people. This technique is popularly known as Fish-Bone Diagram also.
We've posted our Fish-Bone Diagram for your viewing.
We analyzed the Fish-Bone Diagram and came up with the list of root causes to the challenges faced by our visually challenged friends as follows:
1. Unavailability of Braille printer/embosser
2. Social non-acceptance due to stigma that visually challenged are dis-abled.
3. Only method of instruction at present is oral instruction.
4. Unavailability of Braille books/study material
5. No special schools for visually challenged
We can't solve all of these on our own, so we'll do our best with help from others.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Storm your brains for good reasons...
We came up with following list. If you think of more ways, please mail us at jyep@lahs.org
1. Read lessons for them.
2. Make audio lessons on cassettes for them.
3. Celebrate their birthdays.
4. Celebrate our own birthdays with them.
5. Study with them.
6. Write exams for them.
7. Learn Braille and write notes for them.
8. Donate a Braille embosser to their school.
9. Donate Braille books to their school.
10. Start a choir group with them.
11. Teach them songs.
12. Teach them dances.
13. Prepare a skit with them.
14. Go for picnic with them.
15. Visit them and find out what they need.
16. Organize exhibition and sale of handicraft items they make.
17. Celebrating Children’s Day with our visually challenged friends.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Welcome to our blog
We will post about our service project to help discover abilities in visually challenged girls at "Atma Jyoti - a home for blind girls".
We thank our teachers, school management and Dr. Hayal Koksal of Kayite Okullari, Turkey.
-Aditi Mittal and Mansi Jain (Team Leaders)
Members list of ICT Seagulls - WINGS
- Miss. Aditi Mittal (Team Leader) - class VIII
- Miss. Mansi Jain (Team Leader) - class VIII
- Miss. Roma Kukreja (Member) class VIII
- Miss. Tina Khatri (Member) class VIII
- Mast. Navid Olyai (Member) class VIII
- Mast. Sahil Sahni (Member) class VIII
- Miss. Anuja Bhadoria (Member) class VII
- Miss. Mansi Pradhan (Member) class VII
- Mast. Kartikeya Dwivedi (Member) class VII
- Mast. Kunal Chaturvedi (Member) class VII)
Mentor: Mrs. Tina Olyai (Director)